Commercial Properties


Check out the Economic Opportunities you will find by locating here...

The following commercial properties are available or could be considered for locating your business in downtown Snow Hill. This list changes frequently. Consult with Economic Development at Town Hall, (410) 632-2080, for up to date information and on how to follow up on individual properties,

109 Pearl Street (3 story, multi-unit)

Great potential in this 3 story multi-unit residential and commercial space! For Sale or Lease. SVN listed property.

See the Sales brochure here.  See the Lease information page here.

Visit the propery listing web page here.

303 N. Washington Street

Two commercial units downstairs plus two appartments upstairs.
48% Rented. See this listing on Loopnet and at Northrup Reality (the listing agent).

110-A West Green Street

Centrally located downtown. Consult with Economic Development at Town Hall, (410) 632-2080, for more information about this property.

110-B West Green Street

Centrally located downtown. Consult with Economic Development at Town Hall, (410) 632-2080, for more information about this property.

309 N Washington St

Former PNC Bank · Retail Property For Sale 

Owned by the Town of Snow Hill. Contact (410) 632-2080 for more information.

Old Firehouse
212 W. Green St.

OVER 17,000 square feet! Possible Micro-brewery location.
Owned by the Town of Snow Hill. Contact (410) 632-2080 for more information.

113 Willow Street

Located across the street from the Worcester County Library and less than one block from Washington Street. Consult with Economic Development at Town Hall, (410) 632-2080, for more information about this property.

102 W. Market St.

Directly across from the Worcester County Government Building and County Court House. Located on the most heavily trafficked street in Snow Hill. Lots of potential in this historic property with it's ornate tin soffit decoration, original windows, and hardwood flooring!

202 Willow Street

Commercial space on the corner of Willow and Bank Streets. Easily divided into three seperate units for business space plus rental income. (Under contract.)